Saturday, October 22, 2011

I am the 0.001%,


I have a cat, River Kitty, who was bitten by a rattlesnake who evacuated a nearby sugar cane field during the harvest.

Surely not more than 0.001% of the population can say that. Right??

And the good news is that River Kitty has lived four years since then, bringing his average cost per year to about $1,000. Considering that 1/8 of his skin sloughed off - to the muscle even - it's pretty amazing that he's even alive!

(This was some pricey outfit! Good thing he is so forward-thinking in his style.)


And does he appreciate it? Nope. Not a bit. When the river (see how he got his name?) was flooded earlier in the year, what did he do? Play with the snakes evacuating from the flood.

Yep, that's my River Kitty.